The Chronicles rehearse the official history of the people and the overall situation in the era of the kings (chapters 1–9), and then summarize the events described in the books of Kings, omitting some events that show royalty in a bad light. They seem therefore to be an official version of the events of 1 and 2 Kings.
This book is titled "1 Paralipomenon" in the Greek Bible.[1] It opens with lists of names and mentions the return from Exile in Babylon. Chronicles also summarizes the history in 1 and 2 Kings but certain incidents that show David and Solomon in a bad light are omitted. It seems possible therefore that its purpose was to inspire those restoring the temple and the nation of Judah to emulate the best of the days of David and Solomon.
According to Nehemiah 8:17, the full Law was not followed throughout the period covered by this book.
© David Billin 2002–2025
4:9Jabez means sorrowful.
5:1This verse explains the term "half-tribe; see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
5:18Half-tribe: see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
5:23Half-tribe: see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
5:26Half-tribe: see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
6:23Elkanah was the father of Samuel: see 1 Samuel 1:1.
6:61Half-tribe: see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
6:64fThe information here appears to be drawn from Joshua 21:4f. However, some of the places mentioned were not firmly under the control of the kings, so the list functions as a territorial claim rather than reality.[2]
6:70–71Half-tribe: see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
8See comment on Ezra 2.
9:19The sons of Korah are mentioned frequently in the headings to the psalms, e.g. Psalm 42.
12:31Half-tribe: see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
12:37Half-tribe: see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
13:3This verse presents a stark contrast between the leadership of Saul and David; in Saul's time the Ark of the Covenant (and thus God?) was neglected, but David put that right.
16:8–22cf. Psalm 105:1–15.
16:23–33cf. Psalm 96:1–13.
16:35–36cf. Psalm 106:47–48.
21:1The census implied a desire to manage closely (for tax and army call-up purposes, probably) which is why it was resented. This helps us understand the significance of other measurements in the bible such as Revelation 11:1.
21:9Seer: see Appendix 2 Prophecy.
21:16The destroying angel resembles those in Revelation 10.
21:25Shekel: see Appendix 2 Money.
26:32Half-tribe: see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
27:21Half-tribe: see Appendix 2 "half-tribe".
29:14Given: see Appendix 2 "gift".