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Reference Index

Main index Biblical reference index
Index for this page:
Hebrews footnote 8
Achtemeier, Elizabeth
Appendix 3 footnote 8
Adams, Ian
Matthew footnote 54
Ainsworth-Smith, Ian and Speck, Peter Letting go—​Caring for the dying and bereaved London: SPCK, 1982
Job footnote 1, 1 Corinthians footnote 8
Steve Aisthorpe
Song of Songs footnote 4, Appendix 2 Faith
Alexander, L "Chapter 62: Acts" in Barton, J. and Muddiman, J. (eds) The Oxford Bible Commentary (Oxford: OUP, 2001)
Acts footnote 17
Alive Now
Matthew footnote 11, Matthew footnote 22
Allen, Garrick
Matthew 5:3 footnote 85
Allison, D "Chapter 57: Matthew" in Barton, J. and Muddiman, J. (eds) The Oxford Bible Commentary (Oxford: OUP, 2001)
Matthew footnote 49
Anderson, A A 2 Samuel in Word Biblical Commentary series (ed D A Hubbard et al) Dallas:Word Inc., 1989
Old Testament foot note 4, Ruth footnote 10, 1 Samuel footnote 2, 2 Samuel footnote 2, Psalms footnote 1, Index of Numbers
Anderson, B The Living World of the Old Testament New Millennium Edition (Pearson Education Ltd, publishers)
Genesis footnote 38, Exodus footnote 2, Joshua footnote 2
Arnott, John The Importance of Forgiveness
Matthew 7:1–2
Ashwin, Angela
Appendix 2 Prayer footnote 40
Ashworth, Pat (a journalist and playwright)
Psalm 23 footnote 28
Astin, Ven. Moira From Nazareth to Northumbria
Mark footnote 45, John 12:3 footnote 51
Atkinson, Rt Revd Dr David
Revelation footnote 30
Ashwin, Angela, of Kings College London (speaking at Southwark Cathedral)
John footnote 34
Ashwin-Siejkowski, Piotr, of Kings College London (speaking at Southwark Cathedral)
John footnote 34
Augustine of Hippo
Exodus footnote 5, Matthew 21:21, John 21:11, Romans footnote 14, Galatians 3:19, Appendix 2 Communion, Appendix 2 Sin, Appendix 4 Sin
Authorised Version ("AV")
Introduction: Conventions
Aveyard, I God thoughts—​a starter course on theological reflection Nottingham: St John's Extension Studies, 1997
Introduction: Reading the Bible, Mark footnote 17 Luke 19:12f, Hebrews footnote 5
Bacon, Francis
Introduction: Academic Approaches
Badhams, Leslie (1956) Love Speaks from the Cross—​The Seven Last Words (1993 ed. Wantage: Ikon.)
Matthew footnote 28, John's Gospel, John 18:31
Baker, H. A. Vision beyond the Veil, published in USA by Whitaker House, New Kensington, PA. Online: available from: (624 kB) accessed 11 January 2016
Revelation footnote 9, Appendix 2 Prophecy
Baldwin, D.
Matthew footnote 42
Baldwin, J. "The Message of Genesis 12–50" in Motyer J (Old Testament editor) The Bible Speaks Today series (Leicester: IVP, 1986)
Genesis footnote 47
Barclay, W. Gospel of Matthew Volume II in Daily Study Bible series (Edinburgh: St Andrew, 1975 edn)
Matthew footnote 71, Mark 9:3 footnote 18
Barclay, W. Gospel of Luke in Daily Study Bible series (Edinburgh: St Andrew, 1975 edn)
Luke 5:27 footnote 39
Barker, Dr Margaret Who was Melchizedek and who was his God? 2008. Online, available from:, accessed 5 February 2017
Genesis 14:18–20, Psalm 110, John 2:11, Apocrypha (re Enoch), Hebrews 1:6, Appendix 2 Communion
Barker, Dr Margaret
Habbakuk footnote 2
Barrett, C K A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians London: Black's New Testament Commentaries, 2nd edition 1971
1 Corinthians footnote 1, Appendix 2 Son of Man, footnote 88
Barth, K
Matthew footnote 16, Appendix 4 Quotations: Bible
Barton, J and Mudiman, J (eds) The Oxford Bible Commentary Oxford: OUP 2001
Job footnote 3, Daniel footnote 4, Hosea footnote 4 Revelation footnote 5
Lord Beaverbrook
Appendix 4 "Truth"
Beckett, Sister Wendy
Luke 1:38
Beers, R A (General Editor) Life Application Study Bible ("New Living" paraphrase), Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House, 1988–1996
Luke 15:11
Pope Benedict XVI
Matthew 26:11 footnote 72
Luke 1:68–79
Fr Dennis Berk CR of the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, Yorkshire
Luke footnote 38
Bessey, Sarah
Matthew 4 footnote 83
Betz, H. Galatians (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1979)
Galatians 4:20 footnote 15
Bible Reading Fellowship New Daylight
See New Daylight below.
Billin, Revd Lynn
Mark 10:8
Bloor, Revd Amanda
Luke footnote 47
Boadt, L. "Ezekiel" in Brown,R. et al (eds) The New Jerome Biblical Commentary (Upper Saddle River:Prentice-Hall, 1990)
Ezekiel footnote 2, Daniel footnote 2
Bond, Helen K.
John footnote 59
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Ethics Ed: Eberhard Bethge 1949; Trans: Neville Horton Smith 1963; London & Glasgow: Collins "Fontana Library" 1964
Exodus footnote 15, Psalms footnote 2, Matthew footnote 23, Luke 24:16, Acts footnote 9, Philemon footnote 2, 1 Peter footnote 4, Appendix 2 Loss
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Letters and Papers from Prison (SCM)
Acts footnote 3
Borg and Crossman The Last Week (SPCK, 2008)
Mark footnote 28
Bosch D Transforming Mission—​paradigm shifts (New York: Orbis, 1991)
Matthew footnote 40, Luke, Luke 2:1
Rachel Boulding
1 Samuel footnote 8, Matthew footnote 17
Bowker, J Complete Bible Handbook London: Dorling Kindersley 1998
2 Kings footnote 2, 2 Chronicles footnote 2, Isaiah footnote 1
Broyles, Craig Psalms in the "New International Biblical Commentary" series Peabody, Massachusets: Hendrickson and Carlisle: Paternoster 1999
Psalm 87:4 footnote 20
Bragg, Melvyn The Book of Books: the radical impact of the King James Bible 1611–2011 (London: Hodder & Stoughton 2011)
Genesis 38:9 footnote 67, Psalm 46 footnote 19, John footnote 46
"The Bridge" Southwark diocesan newspaper (London: Diocese of Southwark.)
Appendix 2 Seed footnote 73, Appendix 2 Resurrect footnote 131
Very Rev. Dr Francis Bridger, Dean of Brechin Diocese in the Scottish Episcopal Church
Appendix 2 Covenant
Britannica Encyclopedia Online available from
Old Testament footnote 8, 1 Samuel footnote 5, 2 Samuel footnote 5, Jeremiah
Brooke, George J The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament (London: SPCK, 2005)
Gospels: timing footnote 2, Luke 1:46–55, John 21:7 footnote 28
Michael Brooks
Genesis footnote 34
Brother Ramon SSF Deeper into God Marshall Pickering 1987
1 Kings footnote 5, Matthew footnote 13
Brown, D and Loades A (eds) The Sense of the Sacramental (London: SPCK, 1995)
Gospels footnote 4
Brown, R et al (eds) An Introduction to the New Testament New York: Doubleday, 1997
Matthew footnote 52, John footnote 14, 1 Corinthians 11:17 footnote 13, Galatians 2:16 footnote 9, James footnotes 5, 7 and 8, Philemon footnote 1
Brown, R The Gospel according to John I–XII New York: Doubleday "Anchor Bible" series, 1966
John footnote 39
Brown, R The Gospel according to John XII–XXI New York: Doubleday "Anchor Bible" series, 1970
John footnote 45
Brown, Revd Rosalind
Jeremiah 20:7, Matthew footnote 36, Matthew footnote 41, John 20:17 footnote 25, Philemon footnote 3
Brueggemann, Walter
Appendix 2 Theology
Brueggemann, Walter The New Interpreter's Bible
Exodus footnote 11
Brueggeman, W A Commentary on Jeremiah Eerdmans 1998
2 Kings footnote 6, Jeremiah footnote 2
Buchanan, Mark
Psalms footnote 7, Luke 12:15
Buckley, Anthony Worthy of Trust – 40 reflections on our loyalties and credibility Godalming: Highland Books 2016
Mark footnote 30
Burke, Edmund
Appendix 2: History
Burnett, D. Clint
Appendix 3 Thessalonica footnote 6
Burridge, Revd Dr Richard (Dean of King's College, London) Four Gospels, One Jesus? London: SPCK 1994
Exekiel footnote 5, Daniel footnote 5, Matthew footnote 1, Mark footnote 2, Luke 24:4, 24:13 footnote 23
Burridge, Revd Dr Richard (Dean and Professor of Biblical Interpretation, King's College, London) Four Ministries, One Jesus? London: SPCK 2017 (sampler edition)
Gospels footnote 7, Matthew footnote 70, Mark footnote 19, Luke footnote 50, John footnote 47
Revd David Butlin
Appendix 2: Faith footnote 107
Brendan Byrne "The Hospitality of God", Liturgical Press, 2000
Mark footnote 31
Lord Byron
2 Kings footnote 5
C of E
Revelation footnote 22
Calvin Institutes of the Christian Religion
Genesis footnote 42, John 6:53 footnote 9
Campbell, Gordon Bible—​The Story of the King James Version Oxford: OUP 2010
Introduction footnote 1, Joshua 19:2 footnote 4, Ruth 3:15 footnote 12, Psalms footnote 8, Song of Songs footnote 3, Job footnote 6, Isaiah 7:14 and 37:36 footnote 14, Jeremiah 34:16 footnote 13, Romans 7:8 footnote 1, Mark 9:29 footnote 24, 2 Corinthians 8:4 footnote 6, Colossians 3:5 footnote 3, 1 Thessalonians 4:5 footnote 1, 2 Timothy 3:16 footnote 2, Hebrews 10:12 footnote 16, 1 John 5:7 footnote 7, Apocrypha footnote 4, Appendix 2 footnote 1
A Campbell & J Flanagan "1–2 Samuel" in The New Jerome Biblical Commentary (Prentice Hall, NJ 1990) p145f
1 Samuel footnote 6
Andrew Carnegie
Appendix 2 Rich
Cantate Domino
Psalm 98
Carlson, Stephen C.
1 Corinthians 2:1 footnote 8
Carr, W Handbook of Pastoral Studies London: SPCK, 1997
Isaiah footnote 12, Luke 10:29–37, Romans footnote 6, 1 Corinthians footnote 4, Hebrews footnote 10, Revelation footnote 17, Appendix 2 Almighty, Appendix 2 Body of Christ, Appendix 2 Faith, Appendix 2 Holy Spirit, Appendix 2 Sacrament
Caulfield, Michael
Appendix 2 Truth reference 141
Catherine of Siena
Appendix 2 "Gifts"
Chavda, M The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting
Appendix 2 Fasting
Cherry, Revd Dr Stephen, Dean of King's College, Cambridge
Appendix 2 footnotes 95, 134
Chessun, Rt Revd Christopher, then suffragan bishop of Woolwich
Appendix 2 Seed footnote 73, Appendix 2 Resurrect footnote 131
Chown, M
Genesis footnote 31
Christianity magazine ("Christianity+Renewal" until 2007)
Genesis footnote 14, Matthew footnote 8, Matthew footnote 39, Luke 10:9, John 4:37 footnote 6, Appendix 2 Ego, Appendix 2 Liberal, Appendix 4 Truth
Church Times, 13–17 Long Lane, London EC1A 9PN
Introduction: reading the Bible, Old Testament footnotes 11, 15, Genesis footnotes 10, 18, 36, 59, 71, 75, 78 and 79, Numbers footnote 3, Joshua reference 5 1 Samuel 8:5, Job footnote 5, Psalm 23 footnote 28, Isaiah footnote 11, Song of Songs footnote 5, Jeremiah 20:7, Jeremiah 39:3, Daniel footnote 7, Habbakuk footnote 2, New Testament footnote 2, Matthew footnotes 31, 35, 41–43, 60, 65, 74, 75, 78, 79, 86, Mark footnotes 10, 11, 25, 75, 31, 35, 36, 44, 47 and 48, Luke footnotes 6, 9, 18, 28, 34–37, 41, 44, 52, 55–56, 58–61, Luke 22:38, John footnotes 23, 25, 32, 33, 40, 44, 48, Romans footnotes 18 and 19, 1 Corinthians footnote 10, 2 Corinthians footnote 1, Ephesians 4:26 footnote 9, Galatians footnote 19, Philemon footnotes 3 and 4, Hebrews footnotes 18 and 19, 2 Peter 3:10 footnote 5, Appendix 1 Beelzebul footnote 7, Appendix 1 Paul footnote 6, Appendix 1 Judas footnote 5, Appendix 2 AD, Appendix 2 Atonement, Appendix 2 Essene, Appendix 2 Faith, Appendix 2 Forgive footnote 134, Appendix 2 Free footnote 119, Appendix 2 Gifts, Appendix 2 Evangelism reference 101, Appendix 2 Faith reference 121, Appendix 2 God reference 126, Appendix 2 Holy Spirit 128, Appendix 2 Law reference 100, Appendix 2 Martyr, Appendix 2 Pain, Appendix 2 Parable, Appendix 2 Priest, Appendix 2 Resurrect, Appendix 2 Sin, Appendix 2 Truth references 118, 136, 141, Appendix 2 Wealth, Appendix 2 footnotes 4, 85, 91, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 104, 108, 109, 112, 114, 118, Appendix 3 Nazareth, Appendix 4 Church, Life, Management, Marriage, Sin, Truth
Churchill, Sir Winston
Appendix 2 "Terms": Faith, Appendix 2 "Terms": Blood, Appendix 2 "Terms": Martyr, Appendix 2 "Terms": Prophecy, Appendix 4 "Jokes and Stories": Preaching, Appendix 4 "Jokes and Stories": Opposition, Appendix 4 "Jokes and Stories": Truth
Clark, Rt Revd Jonathan, suffragan bishop of Croydon
Matthew footnotes 56 and 61, Mark footnote 34, 2 Corinthians footnote 7
Clarke, W Liturgy and Worship London: SPCK, 1962
Genesis footnote 55
Coates, Gerald
Appendix 4 Truth
Clifford R & Murphy R Genesis in Brown, R et al (eds) New Jerome Biblical Commentary New Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 1990
Genesis footnote 46
Closer to God
Mark 6:48 footnote 14
Codex Bezae
Acts footnote 7
Coggins, R Introducing the Old Testament Oxford University Press, 2nd edition 2001
Old Testament footnote 13, Genesis footnote 19, Exodus footnote 1, Leviticus footnote 1, Deuteronomy footnote 8, Joshua footnote 1, 2 Kings footnote 10, Ezra footnote 1, Psalms footnote 21, Lamentations footnote 1, Amos footnote 1, Zechariah footnote 4, Apocrypha Maccabees footnote 3, Appendix 2 History footnote 138, Appendix 2 Prophecy footnote 103, Appendix 3 Ai footnote 5, Index of dates footnote 1
Coggins, R "Isaiah" in Barton and Muddiman (Eds) The Oxford Bible Commentary Oxford University Press, 2001
Appendix 2 "Servant"
Cole, R Mark (Leicester: IVP "Tyndale New Testament Commentaries" series, 1989)
Mark footnote 3
Collins, J.J. Deuteronomy in "Introduction to the Hebrew Bible" Fortress Press 2004
Deuteronomy footnote 1, Galatians 3:15–17 footnote 13
Collins, J.J., Evans, C.E., McDonald, L.M. Ancient Jewish and Christian Scriptures—​New Developments in Canon Controversy Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press 2020
Introduction footnote 2, Old Testament footnote 14, 2 Chronicles footnote 4, Esther footnote 2, Daniel footnote 8, Apocrypha footnote 5, New Testament footnote 1, Matthew footnote 73, Luke footnote 53, Appendix 2 Temple footnote 110
Cornish, Jane
Appendix 2 Terms: Seal
Cottrell, Rt Revd Stephen (then Bishop of Reading, now Archbishop of York)
Mark 6:41 footnote 13, Mark 6:52 footnote 15, John 6 footnote 7
Cowan, J. Andrew
Jeremiah footnote 14, Galatians 3:10 footnote 20
Cranfield, Nicholas
Appendix 2 Holy Spirit 128
Cranmer, Thomas
Mark 14:22
Crim, K. & Crim, M. "Merkaba" in Gentz, W. (ed) The Dictionary of Bible and Religion (Nashville: Abingdon, 1986)
Ezekiel footnote 7
Wilson de Angelo Cunha
Isaiah 39 footnote 15
Dahl, Nils
John footnote 54
David Willgren Davage
Psalms footnote 25
Davey, S When heaven came down ... (Trans World Radio)
John footnote 30
Davidson, Andrew
Matthew footnote 65
Davies, G Hosea Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press "Old Testament Guides" 1993, 1998 edition
Numbers footnote 2, Psalms footnote 5, Hosea footnote 2, Appendix 3 footnote 2
Davies, P. "Daniel" in Barton, J. & Muddiman, J. (eds) The Oxford Biblical Commentary (Oxford: OUP 2001)
Daniel footnote 4
Davis, Andrew R.
1 Kings 17:21 footnote 7
Davison, Revd Dr Andrew, Starbridge Professor of theology and Natural Sciences and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Genesis footnote 78
Dawswell, A Ministry Leadership Teams (Cambridge: Grove Books No 93, 2003)
Day, D A Preaching Workbook (London: SPCK, 1998)
Luke 4:1, John 6:12 footnote 8
Katherine Dell Who needs the Old Testament? Its enduring appeal and why the New Atheists don't get it (London: Church Times, 2017) quoted by Anthony Phillips in a book review "Old prophets, new atheists" in Church Times 19 May 2017 p.26
Old Testament footnote 11
Descartes, René
Introduction: Academic Approaches
Deus misereatur
Psalm 67
Dewar, Francis Called or Collared?
Appendix 2 Sin
De Vaux, R. Ancient Israel—​its Life and Institutions (London: DLT, 1986 edn)
2 Samuel 6:14 footnote 7
Diogenes The lives of Eminent Philosophers
Acts footnote 5
Emperor Domitian
Revelation "author and date" and 2:12
Donne, John
Luke 1:11
Douglas, Very Revd Kelly Brown
Appendix 2: First, reference 139
Drane, John Introducing the New Testament Oxford: Lion, 1986 & 1999
Introduction: Academic Approaches, Matthew footnote 4, Mark footnote 16, Luke, Luke 2:2, Luke 10:29–37, Romans footnote 2, Acts footnote 1, 1 Corinthians footnote 3, Galatians, Ephesians footnote 1, Colossians footnote 2, 1 Timothy footnote 5, James footnote 6, 1 Peter footnote 1, 2 Peter footnote 3
Drane, John Introducing the Old Testament Oxford: Lion, 1987 & 2000
The Old Testament footnote 6, Appendix 1 "Abraham"
Matthijs den Dulk
Acts 18 footnote 19
Dunn, J. the Theology of Paul the Apostle (London & New York: Continuum, 1998 & 2003)
Galatians 2:19–20 footnote 10
Dulles, Avery Models of the Church New York: Doubleday, 1974
Romans footnote 10, Revelation footnote 4
Engineering & Technology IET Magazine
Appendix 4 "Interview"
Eddy, P. and Boyd, G. The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition (Baker, 2007)
Galatians 2:9 footnote 8, James footnote 3
Emmerson, Ralph Waldo
Matthew 7:21 footnote 68
Emmerson, Grace "Ruth" in Barton J & Muddiman J (eds) The Oxford Bible Commentary (Oxford: OUP 2001) p192f
Ruth footnote 1
Expository Times, The, Vol. 71, Oct. 1959–Sept. 1960 Published by T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh, Scotland
John 10:1–10 footnote 12
Fee, G D The First Epistle to the Corinthians Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987
Romans footnote 16, John footnote 42, 1 Corinthians footnote 1, 2 Corinthians footnote 5, 1 John footnote 6
Finkel, Irving Which came first, Noah or the ark? in Church Times 4 April 2014
Genesis footnote 36
Fitzmyer, J. The Letter to the Galatians in Brown et al (editors) New Jerome Biblical Commentary (New Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 1990)
Galatians footnote 2
Ford, David F., of Cambridge University (speaking at Southwark Cathedral)
John footnote 36
Fowke, Ruth Personality and Prayer Guildford: Eagle 1997
Mark footnote 1
Frame, Tom
Luke 10:29–37
France, R Matthew—​Evangelist and Teacher Paternoster, 1989
Mark footnote 29
France, R Matthew in Carson et al (eds) New Bible Commentary Leicester: IVP, 4th edn 1994
Matthew footnote 51
France, R Tyndale New Testament Commentaries series Matthew Leicester: IVP, 1985
Matthew footnote 44
Fraser, Mark Christian Festivals Cambridge: Grove Booklet R23, 2006
Matthew 9:10 footnote 69, Appendix 1 Evangelism footnote 102
Freedman, David Noel The Pentateuch in J Dunn and J Rogerson (eds) "Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible" Eerdmans Pub Co 2003 pp25–31
Old Testament footnote 1, 1 Samuel footnote 1, 2 Samuel footnote 1
Galambush, J. "Ezekiel" in Barton, J. & Muddiman, J. (eds) The Oxford Biblical Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2001)
Ezekiel footnote 1
Garber, Paul Leslie: Hebrew Bible, in, Gentz, W. (ed) The Dictionary of Bible and Religion (Nashville: Abingdon, 1986) p.99
Genesis footnote 60
Gentz, W The Dictionary of Bible and Religion (Nashville: Abingdon, 1986)
Genesis footnote 49, Daniel footnote 6, Matthew 28:19
Gibbs, Jane Faith in Suburbia Cambridge: Grove Books 2003
Exodus 3:5 footnote 18
Gibson J The Daily Study Bible series—​Genesis, Volume I Edinburgh: The Saint Andrew Press, 1981
Genesis footnote 2, Luke footnote 32
Gibson J The Daily Study Bible series—​Genesis, Volume II Edinburgh: The Saint Andrew Press, 1982
Genesis footnote 44
Gilbert and Sullivan
Wisdom 11:16
Giles, Gordon
Genesis 32:22 footnote 80, Exodus 20:8 footnote 22, Matthew 8:24 footnote 87, Matthew 9:2 footnote 88
Gooder, Paula
Leviticus footnote 4, Isaiah footnote 13, Matthew footnotes 48, 77, 89, Mark footnotes 37, 43, 52, Luke footnotes 34, 43, 54, John footnotes 43, 49, Acts footnotes 12, 20, Romans footnote 17, 1 Corinthians footnote 12, Philippians footnote 5, Numbers footnote 3, Appendix 1 footnotes 3, 9, Appendix 2 footnotes 113, 115, Appendix 3 footnote 9
Gooder, Paula The Parables Canterbury Press "Biblical eplorations" series, 2020
Exodus 16:31 footnote 19, Matthew footnote 76, Mark 4 footnote 46, Luke 15 footnote 57, Acts 2:44 footnote 18, Appendix 2 footnote 125
Gottwald, Norman K The Hebrew Bible: A Socio-Literary Introduction paperback edition 1987, Fortress, Philadelphia
Genesis footnote 29, Exodus footnote 26, Ruth footnote 8, Song of Songs footnote 2, Hosea footnote 1
Gower, Rich
Appendix 2 Parable
Gravelle, Paul
Leviticus footnote 8
Graves, Peter
Matthew footnote 32, Mark 4:25 footnote 12, Appendix 2 Parables
Great Isaiah scroll
Greek Bible (online) available from:
Galatians 1:9 footnote 6
Green, J The Gospel of Luke in "The New International Commentary on the New Testament" series, Cambridge: Eerdmans, 1997
Galatians 3:18 footnote 14
Green, M. Baptism: Its Purpose, Practice and Power London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1986
Hebrews fotnote 12
Green, Michael Called to Serve
Hebrews footnote 2, 1 Peter footnote 2, Appendix 2 Priest
Green, Michael Freed to Serve London: Word, 1983
Luke 19:12, John 21 footnote 26, 1 Corinthians footnote 5, 2 Corinthians footnote 2, Galatians 3:28, Philippians footnote 2, 1 Timothy footnote 4, Appendix 2 Priest
Greene, Nathanael
Psalm 74 footnote 27
Gregory of Nyssa
Matthew 5:28
Grey, Sir Edward (British Foreign Secretary, 1914)
Appendix 2: Lights
Griffith-Jones, Revd Robin (Master of the Temple Church, London)
Luke's Gospel, John 19:30 footnote 23, 2 Corinthians footnote 1, Appendix 1 Paul, Appendix 2 Essene
Grün, Anselm OSB The Seven Sacraments London: Continuum, 2003
Matthew footnote 29, John footnote 4, 2 Peter footnote 1, Revelation footnote 1, Appendix 2 Sin
Guardian Newspaper
Old Testament reference 9
Malcolm Guite
Luke reference 48
Fr George Guiver CR (Brother Superior, Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, Yorkshire)
Gospels reference 1, Appendix 2 Argument
Guthrie, D John in Carson et al (eds) New Bible Commentary Leicester: IVP, 4th edn 1994
John footnote 13, Revelation footnote 8
Claude Hagège
Introduction: Conventions
Hamley, Revd Dr Isabelle
Old Testament reference 15, Joshua reference 5
Hammond, Cally
Genesis footnote 75, New Testament footnote 2, Mark footnotes 47, 48, Luke 16:1–13 footnote 56, Luke 13:16 footnote 58, Luke 2:4 footnote 59, Luke 4:17 footnote 61, John footnote 48, 2 Peter 3:10 footnote 5, Appendix 1 Beelzebul footnote 7, Appendix 2 Free footnote 119, Index of numbers 10,000 footnote 2
Achtermeir P (ed) Harper's Bible Dictionary (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1971 edn)
The Hebrew Calendar footnote 1
Harrington, D Chapter 41: Mark in Brown et al (eds) New Jerome Biblical Commentary (New Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 1990)
Mark 10:47, Mark footnote 22
Harrison, Ted
John footnote 44
Heaton, Revd Tim
Genesis footnote 64
Helen Julian CSF
Deuteronomy footnote 2
Hengel, Martin The Johannine Question (London: SCM, 1989)
John footnote 31, 1 John footnote 4, 2 John footnote 1, 3 John footnote 1, Revelation footnote 18
Henry, Matthew Commentary
Matthew 4:1
Hertz, Dr J. The Soncino Edition of the Pentateuch and Haftorahs 2nd Edition 1970
Genesis footnote 6, Deuteronomy footnote 9, 2 Chronicles footnote 3, John footnote 11, Revelation footnote 16, Appendix 2 footnote 41 Justice
Amanda Higgin
Hebrews footnote 18
Christopher Hill
Appendix 2 Priest
Hinson D. History of Israel London: SPCK, 1990
Deuteronomy footnote 3
Hodge Revd F A handbook for the newly ordained London: Mowbray, 1986
Appendix 2 Animals
Hodson, Martin
Jude 14 footnote 2
Hoegen-Rohls, Christina
John footnote 55
Hoklotubbe, T. Christopher
Titus 1:12 footnote 2
Holt Bradley Thirsty for God
Matthew footnote 5
Holy Bible Good News Bible London: Collins 1976
Introduction: Conventions, Psalm 27:14, 1 John footnote 2
Holy Bible New International Version (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1988 edn.)
Introduction: Conventions, Psalms, Psalm 29:1, Psalm 78:60–61, Jude, John 15:25 footnote 19
Holy Bible New Revised Standard Version Anglicized Edition, 1998 Oxford: OUP, 1989 & 1995
1 Samuel footnote 11, 2 Samuel footnote 9, 1 Kings footnote 1, 2 Kings footnote 1, 1 Chronicles footnote 1, 2 Chronicles footnote 1, Psalm 148:12, Nehemiah footnote 1, Ezra footnote 2, Apocrypha
Holy Bible Revised Standard Version Glasgow: Collins 1946 (NT)/1952 (OT)
Introduction: Conventions, Genesis footnote 5, Leviticus footnote 3, Colossians 4:6, Appendix 2 Jehovah
Hooker, Morna The Gospel according to St Mark London: A&C Black, 1991 in the series Black's New Testament Commentaries (Chadwick H, ed)
Mark footnote 6
Hooker, Morna "Isaiah in Mark's Gospel" in Moysie-Menken (ed) Isaiah in the New Testament
Matthew footnote 34, Mark footnote 5
Hooker, Richard (1553–1600) of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie (1593 according to Wikipedia)
Apocrypha footnote 6, Matthew footnote 24
Hopper, Nigel
Mark 6:48 footnote 14
Horsfall, Tony
Job 19:25 footnote 8, Exodus footnote 8, Isaiah footnote 10, John footnote 1, Acts footnote 10
Hebrews 11
Hubbard, R. and Johnston, K. (eds) Jeremiah, Lamentations in New International Biblical Commentary series (Milton Keynes: Paternoster 2008)
Jeremiah footnote 4
Huggett J in Christianity+Renewal January 2002
Introduction: Reading the Bible
Hughes, Selwyn Discovering Your Place in the Body of Christ Basingstoke: Marshalls, 1982
Romans footnote 12, 1 Corinthians footnote 7, Appendix 2 Gifts
David Instone-Brewer
Matthew footnote 39
Mark footnote 45
James, T G H An introduction to Ancient Egypt London: British Museum 1979
Psalms footnote 18
James, T G H An introduction to Ancient Egypt London: British Museum 1979
Psalms footnote 18
Jefferson, Thomas
Appendix 2: Justice
Jeong, Donghyun
John 10:28–29 footnote 52
Jeremias, Professor Joachim The central message of the New Testament, SCM 1965
Matthew 6:9
Jervis, L. Ann Galatians, New International Biblical Commentary series, Carlisle: Paternonster 1999
Matthew footnote 26, Acts footnote 2, Galatians footnote 3
Jewish Virtual Library ("a division of the American-Israeli Cooperative Exercise" Contact: Mitchell G. Bard, Ph.D., Executive Director, AICE, 2810 Blaine Dr., Chevy Chase, MD , 20815 Tel. 301–565–3918, Fax. 301–587–9056, Email.
Appendix 2: Money
John, Rt Revd Andy (Bishop of Bangor)
Matthew footnote 19, Galatians footnote 18, 2 Peter footnote 4, Revelation footnote 31
Johns and Major Witness in a Gentile World: a study of Luke's Gospel 1991
Luke 3:21
Johnson, Benjamin J. M.
2 Samuel 4:1 footnote 13, A3 Ebenezer footnote 7
John of the Cross
Song of Songs
Jones, Andrew
Psalms footnote 16, Lamentations footnote 2
Jones G "1 and 2 Samuel" in The Oxford Bible Commentary (J Barton and J Muddiman, eds) OUP 2001, pp.196f
Old Testament footnote 3, 1 Samuel footnote 4, 2 Samuel footnote 4
Jones, Ivor The Apocrypha (Epworth Commentaries, 2003)
Tobit, Judith 2:7, Judith 2:12, Judith 15:12, Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, 2 Esdras
Jones, W Paul Alive Now January/February 2002
Matthew footnote 11
Jones, C.P.M. in Jones, Wainwright and Yarnould (eds) the Study of Spirituality SPCK, 1986
Exodus footnote 4
Jordan, Clarence
Deuteronomy footnote 5
Acts 2:44 footnote 18, Appendix 2 Essene
Journal of Biblical Literature (Atlanta, USA)
Genesis footnotes 74, 76, 77, Exodus footnotes 20, 21, Leviticus footnote 7, Deuteronomy footnote 6, 2 Samuel 4:1 footnote 13, 2 Samuel 11:1 footnote 11, 1 Kings 17:21 footnote 7, 1 Chronicles footnote 2, Nehemiah 8:1–8 footnote 3, Job footnote 7, Psalms footnotes 25, 26, 27, Isaiah 39 footnote 15, Jeremiah footnote 14, Daniel 3 footnote 9, Enoch footnote 9, Matthew footnotes 58, 81, 82, 85, John 10:28–29 footnote 52, Acts 18 footnote 19, Romans 16 footnote 20, 1 Corinthians footnote 14, 1 Corinthians 2:1 footnote 8, Galatians 3:10 footnote 20, 1 Thessalonians footnote 2, Titus 1:12 footnote 2, 1 Peter footnote 5, 2 Peter 2:4 footnote 6, Revelation footnotes 29, 34, Appendix 2 Evil footnote 127, Appendix 2 Money footnote 135, Appendix 2 Tribes footnote 130, Appendix 2 Vulgate footnote 87, A3 Ebenezer footnote 7, Appendix 3 Thessalonica footnote 6, The Hebrew Calendar footnote 2
Junior, Nyasha
Genesis 4:15 footnote 77
Kaufman The Religion of Israel
Stuart Kaufman
Appendix 4: Truth
Keiffer, R. Chapter 60: John in Barton and Muddiman The Oxford Bible Commentary (Oxford: OUP, 2001)
John footnote 18
Kennedy, President John F
Appendix 2: Servant
Kennington, Revd Paul
Leviticus footnote 2, Jeremiah 29:10, 1 Timothy footnote 2
Keys, David (archaeology correspondent of The Independent newspaper)
Appendix 3 Nazareth
Kidner, D. Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Genesis Leicester: IVP, 1976
Genesis footnote 48
Bishop King
Appendix 2 Save
King, Martin Luther
Luke 16:19–31, Appendix 2 Hate
Kitz, Anne Marie
Appendix 2 Evil footnote 127
King James Version ("KJV")
Introduction: Conventions
Koppman, Lionel: Hebrew Bible, in, Gentz, W. (ed) The Dictionary of Bible and Religion (Nashville: Abingdon, 1986) p.433
Old Testament footnote 10
Koppers, G. N. "Deuteronomistic History" in Freedman, D. N. (ed) Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible Eerdmans Pub Co 2000 p341
Old Testament footnote 2, 1 Samuel footnote 3, 2 Samuel footnote 3, Jeremiah footnote 5
Krusche, Marcel
Psalm 89 footnote 26
Kuhrt, Gordon An Introduction to Christian Ministry London: Church House, 2000
1 Corinthians footnote 6, Ephesians footnote 5, Colossians footnote 1, 1 Timothy footnote 3, 1 Peter footnote 3, Appendix 4 "Jokes and Stories": Preaching
Kuntz, K.J. Septuagint in, Gentz, W. (ed) The Dictionary of Bible and Religion (Nashville: Abingdon, 1986)
Daniel footnote 6
Laffey, Alice "Ruth" in The New Jerome Biblical Commentary (Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1990) p554f
Ruth footnote 6
Labahn, Michael
Appendix 2 Essenes footnote 142
Laurie, Greg "The Great Compromise"
Ephesians footnote 6
Leach, John Leading Worship that Connects
Romans footnote 7
Leach, John Living Liturgy Eastbourne; Kingsway 1997
Appendix 2 Prophecy
Leahy, T. "The Epistle of James" in The New Jerome Biblical Commentary (Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1990)
James footnotes 1 and 4
Leaney, A R C The Gospel according to St Luke in the "Black's New Testament Commentaries" series, London: Black 1966
Luke footnote 51
Leckebusch, Martin
Appendix 2 Love footnote 137
Yitzhak Lee-Sak "The lists of Levitical Cities (Joshua 21, 1 Chronicles 6) and the Propagandist Map of the Hasmonean Territorial Expansion", in Journal of Biblical Literature Vol 136 no 4 2017 (Atlanta, USA) p.783f
1 Chronicles footnote 2
Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis "Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word: Meditation on ther Gospel according to St Matthew"
Appendix 2:Parable footnote 108
John Lennon
Appendix 2:Save
Amy-Jill Levine, Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies and Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Jewish Studies, Vanderbilt University
Luke 18 footnote 52, Appendix 2:First footnote 109
Lewis, C. S.
Jude 16, Appendix 2 Theology
Lewis, C. S. Mere Christianity Glasgow: Fontana 1952/London: Fount, 1977
Introduction: Academic Approaches, Genesis footnote 20, Exodus footnote 14, Ezekiel footnote 6, Matthew footnote 3, Mark footnote 9, Luke 12:24, Luke 23:43, John footnote 10, Romans footnote 3, Appendix 2 Baptism, Appendix 2 Faith, Appendix 2 Judgement, Appendix 2 Sin
Lewis, C S Reflections on the Psalms London and Glasgow: Collins Fontana, 1967
Old Testament footnote 12, Psalms footnote 17, Ecclesiastes footnote 2, Matthew footnote 66, Luke footnote 45, Ephesians footnote 8, Hebrews footnote 15, Appendix 2 footnote 69
Lewis, C S The Four Loves
Appendix 2 Glory
Lewis, C S The Problem of Pain London: Harper Collins, 1977
Genesis footnote 26, Matthew footnote 30, Revelation footnote 7, Appendix 2 Loss, Appendix 2 Love, Appendix 2 Pain
Liddell, Eric (as in the film Chariots of Fire)
1 Samuel 2:30
Lipton, Diana (King's College, London)
Old Testament footnote 7, Exodus footnote 3, 2 Samuel 8:1–14 footnote 8
Jones et al (eds) The Study of Liturgy London: SPCK, 1992
Hebrews footnote 1
Loades A. and MacSwain R. The Truth Seeking Heart—​Austin Farrer and his writings 1st edn Norwich: Canterbury, 2006
Luke 1:28
Long, Anne Listening, Darton Longman and Todd 1990
Matthew footnote 27, Matthew 6:10
Lowson, Revd Geoff
Leviticus footnote 9, Deuteronomy footnotes 7 and 10, Psalm 93 footnote 23, Acts footnote 15
Luther, Martin
Romans footnote 15, Hebrews, James, Appendix 2 Worship
Luther, Susanne
Mark footnote 51, John footnote 58
Introduction: Conventions, 1 Kings 17:21, Isaiah 7:14, Jeremiah, Daniel, Apocrypha, New Testament, Matthew footnote 6, Luke, 1 Corinthians, Titus footnote 1, Hebrews
Murdo MacDonald
Nehemiah footnote 2, Appendix 2 Prayer
Nathan MacDonald
Deuteronomy footnote 6
Magonet, Rabbi Jonathan
Genesis footnote 65, Exodus footnote 10, Numbers footnote 1, Matthew footnote 63
Maitland, S. Genesis: The Book of Beginnings (Oxford: Lion, 1997)
Genesis footnote 3
Manfredi, Jayne
Matthew 21:13 footnote 86
Mann, J. 1940 The Bible as Read and Preached in the Old Synagogue: A Study in the Cycles of the Readings from Rabbinic Literature, Hebrew Bible and Jewish Scriptures Torah and Prophets, as well as from Psalms, and in the Structure of the Midrashic Homilies
Mark 1:2–3 footnote 7
Ephesians, Colossians 4:16
Marr, Andrew
Appendix 2: Evangelism footnote 102
Marshall, Howard Chosen by God: Mary in Evangelical Perspective ed D.F.Wright, London: Marshall Morgan and Scott, 1989
Luke 1:27
Marshall, Jesica
Appendix 2: Pleasure
Marx, Karl
Appendix 4 Mottos
Marx, Vivien
Genesis footnote 43
Masoretic Text
Jeremiah, Appendix 2 Jehovah
Matthew 2:2
Robert Matthews
Genesis footnote 11
Maxwell, Marcus
Ezekiel footnote 9, Matthew, Revelation footnote 2, Appendix 2 Terms: Christian
Mayhew-Smith, Dr Nick
Appendix 2 Terms: Celtic Christianity
Mayo, Bob
Proverbs footnote 3, Matthew 7:1 footnote 80
Mays, J Hosea London: SCM, 1969
Hosea footnote 6
McEntyre, Marilyn
Ephesians 4:26 footnote 9
McFarland, Ian (Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge University)
Romans footnote 18
McGrath, Alastair
Appendix 2 Theology
McGrath, Alastair Christian Theology—​An Introduction Oxford: Blackwell, 1997 edn.
Old Testament footnote 5
McKnight, Scott The Real Mary (London: SPCK, 2007 UK edn.)
Matthew footnote 46, Luke 1:27, Luke 2:1, John 19:26–27 footnote 22, James footnote 9
Merali, Zeeya
Genesis footnote 33
Meridian Magazine © 2000 accessed 17 June 2014
1 Samuel footnote 9, 1 Samuel 11:1
Metropolist magazine
Luke 2:48
Miller, S. Daniel in Clendenen, E. (General Editor) "New American Commentary" series (USA: Broadman & Holman, 1994)
2 Kings footnote 8, Jeremiah footnote 12, Daniel footnote 1
Minsky, Marvin
Proverbs footnote 1
Mitton, Michael
Lamentations footnote 3, Acts footnote 11
Moltmann, Jürgen
Appendix 2 Truth reference 136
Montefiore, Hugh
Monteith, Revd David
Appendix 2 Prophecy
Moore, M "Ruth" in Hubbard R & Johnson R (eds) New International Biblical Commentary: Joshua, Judges, Ruth (Carlisle: Paternoster, 2000) p293f
Ruth footnote 3
Morisy, Ann Beyond the Good Samaritan London: Mowbray, 1997
Matthew footnote 15, Mark footnote 39, Ephesians footnote 7
Morris, L Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Luke Leicester: IVP, 1988 edn
Luke footnote 12, Acts footnote 4
Morris, Rev Canon Leon Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Judges and Ruth (Leicester: IVP Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1968) p219f
Ruth footnote 2
Moscicke, Hans M.
Matthew 27:15 footnote 82
Mosse, Barbara
Matthew 7:21 footnote 68, Revelation 22:12 footnote 27
Motyer, Alec Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries "Isaiah" IVP, 1999
Isaiah footnote 3
Moule, C.F.D. The Origin of Christology Cambridge University Press, 1977
Ephesians footnote 2, Philippians footnote 1, 2 Thessalonians footnote 1, 2 Timothy footnote 1, Hebrews footnote 4
Mounce, William D. Basics of Biblical Greek Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993
Romans footnote 9
Moyise, S. "Scripture in Mark" in Moyisey, S Jesus and Scripture
Appendix 2 Son of Man
Moyise, S. "The Old Testament in Mark" in Moyisey, S Jesus and Scripture
Mark footnote 8
Muggeridge, Malcolm
Appendix 4 "Truth"
Museum of London
Luke footnote 13
Andrew David Naselli
1 Corinthians footnote 14
New Daylight Oxford: Bible Reading Fellowship
Genesis footnotes 63, 64, 69, 70, 80, Exodus footnotes 8, 20, Leviticus footnotes 6, 8, 9, Deuteronomy footnotes 2, 4, 7, 10, Joshua footnote 3, 1 Samuel 8:5 footnote 8, Judges footnotes 3, 4, 1 Kings footnote 6, Nehemiah footnote 2, Esther footnote 1, Job footnotes 2, 4 and 8, Proverbs footnote 3, Psalms footnotes 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23 and 24, Ecclesiastes 9:3–7, footnotes 1, 3, 8, 9 and 10, Song of Songs footnotes 4, 6, Isaiah footnotes 8, 9 and 10, Lamentations footnote 2, Matthew footnotes 17, 32, 19, 35, 54, 59, 62, 68, 80, 87, 88, Mark footnotes 12, 13, 15, 21, 32, 38, 42, Luke footnotes 29, 31, 47 and 49, John 1:1 footnote 1, John 6 footnote 7, John 21:3 footnote 27, John 6 footnote 40, Acts footnotes 10, 11, 13 and 15, Galatians footnotes 17 and 18, Philippians 4:13 footnote 4 2 Peter footnote 4, Jude 14 footnote 2, Revelation footnotes 24, 25, 26 and 31, Appendix 1 references 2 and 8, Appendix 2 Faith, Appendix 2 Holy Spirit, Appendix 2 Justice, Appendix 2 Lamp, Appendix 2 Light, Appendix 2 Love, Appendix 2 Parables, Appendix 2 Prayer, Appendix 2 Seal, Appendix 2 Worship
New Scientist
Introduction: Conventions, Genesis footnotes 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 43, 52, Exodus footnotes 7, 13, 16, Judges footnotes 1, 2, 2 Kings footnotes 3, 7, Psalms footnote 7, Proverbs footnote 1, Matthew footnote 7, Luke footnote 11, Luke footnote 20, Romans footnote 13, Revelation footnotes 11, 13, Appendix 1 Luke footnote 4, Appendix 2: Leprosy, Appendix 2: Peace, Appendix 2: Pleasure, Appendix 2: Predestination, Appendix 4: Predestination, Appendix 4: Truth, References: Intelligence
New York Times
References: Intelligence
Nichols, Bridget (Lay Chaplain and Research Assistant to the Bishop of Ely)
Genesis footnote 59, Mark footnotes 27, 28 and 31, Luke footnotes 35, 36 and 37, John footnotes 32 and 38, Philemon footnote 4
North, Rt Revd Philip (Suffragan Bishop of Burnley)
Mark footnote 44, Appendix 2 footnote 98
Nouwen, Henri Creative Ministry New York: Doubleday, 1991 edn
Matthew footnote 20, John 21:18 footnote 29, Acts footnote 8
Nouwen, Henri The Way of the Heart, Darton Longman and Todd 1981
Matthew footnote 10
Nunc Dimittis
Luke 2:29–32
Ord D. and Coote R. Is the Bible true? New York: Orbis, 1994
1 Samuel 16–17 footnote 10, Hosea footnote 3, Gospels footnote 3, John 2:1–11 footnote 3, John 19:29
Psalms, Gospels
Orwell, George
Appendix 2 Money, Appendix 2 Prophecy, Appendix 4 Free Speech
Papaioannou, Kim
Enoch footnote 9, 1 Peter footnote 5
Parsenios, George
John footnote 54
Percy, Martyn Thirty-Nine New Articles: An Anglican landscape of faith (Canterbury Press 2014) as summarised in Church Times.
Appendix 2 Sin
Perkins P Chapter 61: The Gospel according to John in Brown et al (eds) New Jerome Biblical Commentary (New Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 1990)
John footnote 16
Perry, Bruce
Romans footnote 13
Phillips, Canon Anthony
Genesis 4:5–7 footnote 71, Appendix 2 Law footnote 100
Phillips, L Edward and Phillips, Sara Webb In Spirit & Truth
Revelation footnote 14
Pierre Tielhard de Chardin
Romans footnote 8, Ephesians footnote 3
Pilavachi, M with Borlasse, C Walking with a Stranger—​Discovering God London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1999
Luke footnote 25
Pippert Rebecca Manley Out of the Saltshaker—​Evangelism as a way of life (Leicester: IVP, 1980)
New Testament
Pinder, Caz, interviewedin in Church Times, 1 May 2020 p.20
Appendix 2 Guidance footnote 101
Plass Adrian
Appendix 2 Liberal
Plato Laws
Acts footnote 6
1 Timothy 3:11, Appendix 2 Essene
Polkinghorne, John
Appendix 2 Faith, Appendix 2 Resurrect reference 7
Pope, Alexander
Appendix 4 Intelligence
Powell, Mark Allan (Trinity Lutheran Seminary) "Binding and Loosing: A Paradigm for Ethical Discernment from the Gospel of Matthew" in Currents in Theology and Mission 30:6 p.438f December 2003
Matthew footnote 37
Price, Rt Revd P Undersong (London, DLT 2002)
Matthew footnote 21, Luke footnote 16, Appendix 2: Love
Pridmore, Revd John, writing in Church Times
Matthew footnote 31, Mark 3:18 footnote 10, Mark 5:43 footnote 11, Appendix 2: Faith
Pryor, John John: Evangelist of the Covenant People (London: DLT 1992)
John, John footnote 2, 1 John footnote 5
Proctor, John
Mark 10:46 footnote 21
Amy Boucher Pye
Appendix 2 Isaac reference 8, Judges footnote 4, Matthew footnote 62, Revelation footnote 26
Esther, Isaiah, John 21:11, Hebrews footnote 8, Appendix 2 Essene, The Hebrew Calendar footnote 2
Radcliffe, Fr Timothy OP (a Dominican priest)
Appendix 2 Evangelism reference 6
Ramsey, Michael The Christian Priest Today London: SPCK, 1985
Hebrews footnote 9, Appendix 2 Communion
Rand, Stephen
Appendix 2 lights footnote 120
Rantzen, Eshbal and Jonathan Ben-Dov
Revelation footnote 29
Read, Nick
Leviticus footnote 6
Redfern, Alastair Ministry and Priesthood (London: DLT, 1999)
Ruth footnote 5
Reformed Synagogue Service Book
Matthew 6:9
Reiner R "James" in Barton J & Muddiman J (eds) The Oxford Bible Commentary (Oxford: OUP 2001) p.1255f
Galatians footnote 4, Galatians 2:9 footnote 7, James footnote 2
Reynolds, Stefan Gillow "The Wisdom of Love in the Song of Songs" (Hikari Press 2018), reviewed by Anthony Phillips in Church Times 7 December 2018 p.22
Song of Songs footnote 5
Richter, Philip God's Here and Now London: DLT 1999
Exodus footnote 12, Luke footnote 27, Hebrews footnote 11
Ritchie, Revd Angus
Numbers footnote 3, Daniel footnote 7, Matthew footnotes 60, 104, 108, Mark footnotes 35 and 36, Luke footnote 44, Appendix 2 footnotes 85, 104, 108
Roberts, Anne
Luke footnote 29
Amy Scott Robinson
Luke 12:20-21 reference 60
Andrew Robinson
Introduction: Conventions
Robinson, Rt Revd Gene
Appendix 2 "Terms": Martyr
Robinson, J Jancis Robinson's Wine Course London: BBC Books, 1995
John footnote 17
Robinson, Marilynne
Genesis footnote 79, Appendix 2 Sin
Rofe, A. The Nature of the Prophetic Books Sheffield, 1997
Isaiah footnote 2, Jeremiah footnote 10, Zechariah footnote 1
David Rohl A Test of Time: The Bible—​from myth to history London: Century 1995
Genesis footnote 58, Ruth footnote 11, 1 Kings footnote 4, 2 Kings footnote 4
Jonathan Romain
Appendix 2 "Faith" footnote 121
Roland, Rev. Andy: Bible in Brief (Croydon: Filament 2016)
Genesis footnote 61, 2 Kings footnote 9, Proverbs footnote 2, Apocrypha footnote 1, Appendix 3 footnote 1
Rossetti, Christina
Revelation 21:1
Sister Rosemary
Appendix 4 Church
Jonathan Rowlands
Hebrews 7 footnote 19
Runcorn, David
Job footnotes 2 and 4, Ecclesiastes footnote 3, Song of Songs footnote 6, John 6 footnote 40
Rundle, Revd Elizabeth (a retired Methodist minister)
1 Kings footnote 6
Rhyder, Julia
Exodus footnote 21
Jonathan, Lord Sachs
Genesis footnote 18, Appendix 2 footnote 4
Sanders & Davies Studying the Synoptic Gospels (London: SCM, 1989)
Mark footnote 20
Santayana, George
Appendix 2: History
Sargeant, Rt Revd Frank How The Bible Became Holy (reviewed in Church Times 5 December 2014 page 23 by Peter Forster)
Appendix 2 Disciple, Appendix 2 Living word
Satlow, Michael
Gospels footnote 5, John
Sawyer, John The Fifth Gospel—​Isaiah in the History of Christianity Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996
Isaiah footnote 5, Jeremiah 31:22 footnote 8, Revelation footnote 10
Schmemann, Fr Alexander (Orthodox Priest, Dean of St Vladimir's Seminary, New York) The World as Sacrament London: DLT 1966
Genesis footnote 25, Appendix 2 Religion
Scripture Union
Introduction: Reading the Bible
Scripture Union Closer to God
Genesis footnotes 21, 56 Ezekiel footnote 3, Zechariah footnotes 2 and 3, Mark 6:48, Luke footnote 21, Acts footnote 3, Romans footnote 5, Appendix 2 Joy, Appendix 2 Meditation, Appendix 4 Ocean, The Hebrew Calendar footnote 1
Scripture Union: John Piper Carnal Cash to Kingdom Currency
2 Corinthians footnote 4, Ephesians footnote 4
Self, David
Appendix 4 "Truth"
see LXX above
Shackleton, Ernest
Daniel 4:25
Shalom Ben Chorin
John 19:19–22 footnote 21
Shapira, Hananel
Exodus footnote 20
Sheen, Catherine
Luke 15:11
Sheldrake, Philip: Befriending our Desires (London: DLT 1994)
Matthew footnote 67
Short, Rupert
Matthew footnote 79, Appendix 2 Atonement
Shu, F (National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan) quoted in Earth Wind and Fire in New Scientist 17 May 2003 p.26
Genesis footnote 22
Margaret Silf
Mark footnote 42, John 21:3 footnote 27, Appendix 2 Lamp, Seed
Peter Sills
Appendix 2 AD
Slavonic Bible
Revd Harry Smart
Psalms footnote 22
Dr Arnold J Smith
Matthew footnote 74
Lee Smolin
Genesis footnote 35
Cardinal Francis Spellman
Appendix 4 Prayer
Spurgeon, C H
Matthew 6:25
Stackert, Jeffrey
Leviticus footnote 5
Stanton, G Galatians in Barton, J. and Muddiman, J. (eds) The Oxford Bible Commentary (Oxford: OUP, 2001)
Galatians footnote 1
Starkey, Revd Mike (Head of CHurch Growth for Manchester Diocese)
Job footnote 5
Starkey, Revd Naomi (Editor, New Daylight)
Ecclesiastes footnote 1, Isaiah footnotes 8 and 9, Luke footnote 31
Steen, Ven. Jane
Appendix 2 Tell
Steirner, Richard C. "Contradictions, Culture Gaps and Narrative gaps in teh joseph Story", Journal of Biblical Literature (Atlanta, USA), Volume 139 2020 No.3 p.439f
Genesis 37 footnote 74

Stevenson, Brian
Storkey, Dr Elaine
Revd John RW Stott
Stott, Revd John Your Confirmation London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995 Edn
Stott, Revd John Understanding the Bible Reading: Scripture Union,1993 edn
Strange, William The Authority of the Bible (DLT 2000)
Suchard, Benjamin D.
Sweeney, M. "The Latter Prophets" in Mackenzie and Graham (eds) The Hebrew Bible Today Westminster: John Knox Press 1998
Swete, Dr H B The Parables of the Kingdom Glasgow University Press, 1920
Sydney Towner, W. Masoretes, in, Gentz, W. (ed) The Dictionary of Bible and Religion (Nashville: Abingdon, 1986)
Tacitus Annals of Imperial Rome
Tasker R. John (Leicester: IVP Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 1960)
Taylor, Barbara Brown
Taylor, Joan E The Essenes, the Scrolls, and the Dead Sea (OUP 2012)
Taylor, Prof. Joan, of King's College London The 'Jews' of the Gospel of John (talk given at Southwark Cathedral)
Taylor, Bishop John
Teresa of Avila (1515–1582)
The Bible Speaks Today
The New Oxford Annotated Bible—​New Revised Standard Version, With The Apocrypha (New York: OUP inc 2010)
Thewlis, Revd Canon Dr John Revd Dr John Thewlis (Rector of All Saint's, Carshalton, Surrey from 2000 to 2017)
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Tobolowski, Andrew
Tomlinson, Revd Dr Graham
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Tovey, Phillip Preaching a Sermon Series with Common Worship (Cambridge: Grove Booklet no W178, 2004)
Traherne, Thomas
Trans World Radio
"Listening World" magazine (Altrincham: Trans World Radio)
Tuckett, C Chapter 58: Mark in Barton and Muddiman (eds) The Oxford Bible Commentary (Oxford: OUP, 2001)
Twain, Mark
Twistleton, Revd John
Bishop Ussher
VanderKam, James C.
Viviano, B Chapter 42: The Gospel according to Matthew in Brown et al (editors) New Jerome Biblical Commentary (New Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 1990)
Wagner, C Peter Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church (Ventura, CA, USA: Regal Books, 1985)
Wall, R. "Revelation" in Gasque, W. (ed) New International Biblical Commentary series (Carlisle: Paternoster, 1991)
Waller, R. and Ward B. (editors) An Introduction to Christian Spirituality London: SPCK, 1999
Walsh, J.T. 1 Kings The Liturgical Press 1996
Wansbrough, Fr Henry OSB
Ward, Rosie
Watchman Nee The Normal Christian Life Eastbourne: Kingsway, 1963 edn
Weil, Simone (1909–1943)
Welby, Rt Revd Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury
Welch, Sally
Wells, Bruce
Wells, Sam
Welsh, Philip
Wenham, G. Genesis 1–15 in the Word Biblical Commentary Series (Nashville: Nelson, 1987)
Wenham, G. Genesis 16–50 in the Word Biblical Commentary Series (Dallas: Word ,1994)
Wesley, Charles
Wesley, John
Wette, W M L, 1805
Wheeler, Revd Dr David
Whitekettle, Richard "A Study in Scarlet: The Physiology and Treatment of Blood, Breath and Fish in Ancient Israel", in Journal of Biblical Literature Vol 135 no 4 2016 (Atlanta, USA) p.703
Whitters, Mark
Whybray, R Chapter 4: Genesis in Barton and Muddiman The Oxford Bible Commentary Oxford: OUP, 2001
Wilcock, Michael
Wilcock, Penelope
Williams, Catrin
Archbishop (now Lord) Dr Rowan Williams
Williams, R The Wound of Knowledge DLT 1979
Williams, R Sharing God's Planet: A Christian Vision for a Sustainable Future Church House Publishing 2005
Williams, David Acts in the New International Biblical Commentary series (W Ward Gasque, series ed.) Carlisle: Paternoster, 1995
Winkett, Revd Lucy (Rector, St James Piccadilly, London)
Winter, Revd David
Wischmeyer, Oda
Witton, Revd Michael
Wohlberg, Steve End Time Delusions Shippensburg PA: Destiny, 2004
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Wuellner, Flora Slosson
Gale A Lee" 'He Will Take the Best of Your Fields': Royal feasts and rural extraction", in Journal of Biblical Literature Vol 136 no 4 2017 (Atlanta, USA)
Yii-Jan Lin
Zundel, Veronica

© David Billin 2002–2025