See Acts 17 and Appendix 3 Thessalonica for the background to this letter. Some scholars consider this the earliest of Paul's letters to survive[2].
See Appendix 1: Aristarchus concerning a Thessalonian convert who became an important member of St Paul's mission team.
© David Billin 2002–2025
1:1It is appropriate for Silvanus to be listed as a joint author of this letter, because he had been a member of the group that visited Thessalonica as recorded in Acts 17:1.
1:5Words might be invented by humans, but apparently this message was confirmed by God's power and the Holy Spirit.
1:9fSee comment on Acts 17:22.
2:2This is part of the background to Philippians.
2:13cf. Hebrews 4:12; God's word has a message for each hearer because the Holy Spirit speaks to us individually through it.
2:16The reference to God's wrath (NRSV) may indicate that this epistle dates from after the demolition of the temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 C.E., which Paul interpreted as God's judgment on the Jews.
3:2cf. 1 Corinthians 3:9.
3:3This theme returns in verse 8.
3:5This verse confirms that Paul believes that those who once believed but fell away are not saved.
3:8The theme returns to that of verse 3.
4:5There have been calls for the KJV word "concupiscence" to be replaced with the more familiar "lust".[1 p.124]
4:10This verse hints at the extensive results of the mission to Macedonia initiated in Acts 16:9.
4:17cf. Revelation 21:2.
5:2See comment on Matthew 24:43, and cf. Luke 12:39, 2 Peter 3:10.
5:4–7Paul is developing the theme of John 3:19.
5:8Paul wants us to follow the example of God in Isaiah 59:17. Faith and Love; since biblical love is practical, both faith and works are called for, not just one or the other, as James explained. The reference to armour builds on Isaiah 59:17 and is developed further in Ephesians 6:10f.
5:17In 1884 an anonymous Russian writer published a book (comparable with Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress but based on Eastern Orthodox spirituality) called The Way of a Pilgrim in which the Pilgrim asked a wise old man what this verse means. The man replied:
"The continuous interior prayer of Jesus is a constant uninterrupted calling upon the divine Name of Jesus with the lips, in the spirit, in the heart, while forming a mental picture of His constant presence, and imploring His grace, during every occupation, at all times, in all places, even during sleep. The appeal is couched in these terms, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me." One who accustoms himself to this appeal experiences as a result so deep a consolation and so great a need to offer the prayer always, that he can no longer live without it, and it will continue to voice itself within him of its own accord. Now do you understand what prayer without ceasing means?"
"Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me" is known as "the Jesus prayer" (though expanded versions are also used).
5:18See Romans 8:28 for the reason why we should give thanks in all circumstances.
5:24cf. Isaiah 9:7.